
Want to know more about when we are officially moving to Google? Check out our current timeline below.

Why are we switching to Google?

With Google Workspace, we can take advantage of a robust and innovative solution to meet many needs. Email, Calendar, and Documents will now be accessible from any device with an internet connection.

In addition to unifying our file storage under one platform, Google Workspace will optimize communication and collaboration throughout our organization with real-time collaboration capabilities, unlimited email and document storage, and 99.9% uptime. 

Google Workspace is easy to use, anytime and anywhere. We are confident that you'll find it to be a more efficient way to manage your email, calendar, and documents whether from the web or your mobile device. 

Google Workspace has a robust A.I. system weaved into all its core services. We are excited for all A.I. has to offer, including the smart compose in Gmail, suggestions in Sheets, noise reduction in Meet, and many other tools!

The security features available in Google Workspace are designed to keep our data safe and your information private. You'll also be informed when content looks suspicious, so you can report it right away.

Going to Google provides the opportunity for tremendous cost savings. It enables organizations like ours to be great stewards of their resources.

What is Google Workspace Replacing?

Below are the Google Workspace tools that will replace our existing applications throughout the transition period (3 months)